The Conservative Party hold their annual conference in Manchester from 3-7 October this year. The People's Assembly is organising a national protest outside the conference on Sunday 4th October, and a series of protests and events during the conference period.
Free transport is available via coach from Stroud and Gloucester - details below - thanks to a local Unison branch. Booking is essential - please email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
As the Conservative government cuts tax credits reducing the income of people already struggling with low pay, cuts what many sick and disabled people newly claiming Employment and Support Allowance receive to live on, attacks the rights of workers to organise collectively and take industrial action, continues to privatise the NHS, and presides over a housing crisis, the People's Assemly say:
"We want to mobilise the biggest possible opposition on the streets, in our workplaces and communities which can force the Government out of office."
Coaches are provided by the Gloucestershire branch of the union Unison's Local Government section.